Why writing down your goals is important

Writing down one's needs is very important so as writing down your goals on a jotter or a personal diary. It is important because you get a picture and reminder of what you intend to achieve by the end of the day, week, month or year. I'll be pointing the importance of writing goals in today's article and do well to rad through to the end.

Short term goals increases motivation
When goals are written down, there are high chances of you completing them. Just like sticking to your budget plan, a written goal can also be followed with this strategy of writing. You get to feel the motivation it brings to do more in order to achieve more.

Reduces the stress of memorising
We write things down so as not to forget them. One can easily be forgetful and looses attention due to everyday task, goals are no exception. Instead of memorising them, a pen and a paper would be great to keep them in mind. You can also set up reminders on your phone calender so as not to forget.

Increases the ability to focus
Things written down can be seen from a narrow point of view. It increases your perception and how to see things in the future. It also allows one to focus on his/her main objectives.
For me writing down your goals where you would always see it will help you stay motivated. This is what I do all the times to keep me on track to always strive to have my goals accomplished

I know I have been able to accomplish some of my goals for writing them down, you would always see them whenever you want to forget them especially if you can't memorize them as you have other things that you want to tackle.

To accomplish your goals you shouldn't just write them down you should work towards achieving them. You can do the following to achieve it.

First state your goals and give it a duration to achieve. This is like giving a milestone to accomplish them set goals

Secondly, set realistic goals that you are sure are achievable. You can only blame yourself if you set goals that are not obtainable and you might just be wasting time trying to achieve such.

Be done with one before moving to another. Don't be in a haste to accomplish this, exercise patience if you want it as fast as you are looking at it, you might just make huge mistakes along the way. So take time and allow things naturally fall into place.
Writing down goals is really important. I once read a book about this and it had been written based on a scientific research that was conducted. Which confirmed that writing down goals helps you achieve them. I have even seen this in myself. I recently found a book that I had written some goals while I was in campus. I was surprised to find that I had achieved each of those goals.

The book stated that writing down goals activates a part of your brain that helps you focus better on the set goals. So when you focus on something, you actually achieve it with time.

Writing down goals saves you from forgetting for sure. This is because reading it will be a constant reminder of what you want to achieve. Unlike trying to memorize them of which you can easily forget because you are busy throughout the day. But a written goal can be referred to anytime.

You don't necessarily have to write the goals down on paper. You can type them on your phone. Which is a really good thing because you most likely Cary your phone everywhere. So you can easily refer to your goals anytime and that keeps you accountable for them.
I agree with you that writing down of goals is quite important. Goals can either be divided into short-term or long-term and also depending on the vision and objectives that is being put in place. Personally, I adopt the method of writing down my schedule, writing down my goals and having them imprinted in my head, such that, even in my conscious or subconscious stage, it always keeps ringing a bell that I have to reach my target. There are some people who do not engage in writing down their goals and even when they venture into a business, they do not think that having a business plan is necessary.

Writing down of goals does not necessarily mean that you might achieve the goal but it helps you to place your focus on a target which you might even exceed beyond what must have been stipulated on papers. Writing of goals is very essential because, it is a guide in the right direction and it helps to position the mind of the potential goal achiever into being; practical, intentional and focused in whatever dealings he may find him or herself. Finally, writing down of goals serves as a reference point and a motivation to others.