Why Need To Create Crypto Token Instead of Coin?


New member
Crypto Tokens is now become very popular in the business field and people start to prefer and use crypto tokens instead of crypto coins. The reason is, crypto tokens can be easily created using the existing blockchain while crypto coins need to be built on a new blockchain. Creating crypto tokens is also affordable compared to crypto coin and other benefits also can be easily attained.

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Crypto tokens is attached to another crypto coin blockchain. It is easier to create than making a tradable crypto coin in the market. A business enterprise can create one and merge it to an existing blockchain network and have a token to accept payments via his or her online business. Most of the crypto exchange sites now have their own in-house token for their local transactions.
To be honest I am still ignorant of the blockchain used by crypto currencies. I have read about it twice already but the idea wouldn't sink in my mind. What exactly is a blockchain and how is it created? That is the point that I have raised in some forums which did not get an answer. All the posts were about the prices of the crypto coins.