Why Most People Nowadays Don't Like Agriculture Business?


Active member
At times I become so curious that why are most people out there prefer office business than that of agricultural business? You can meet 100 people on the street and at least ten of them offered agriculture in schools, colleges and even in the university but still they will be searching for office jobs with their certificate and why is this possible?

Without agriculture we as humans can not survive on this earth but no body want to farm any longer with the exception of few people. So the question I ask myself is then why do we offer agriculture in schools and colleges?

I think this is the time to farm to feed ourselves and family even if we won't do it for commercial purpose we can do it for just feeding ourselves. There are a lot of money that can generate income for living in agriculture and I suggest this can really help too.
Most people have affinity for White collar job and agriculture is labor-intensive for most people. Access to business loan is one of the reason why some people don't go into agriculture. Lack of good roads from the farm to the market also prevent some people from going into farming. I wish I could have a farm of my own in the future.