Why is spending on needs important than wants?


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People do make some mistake when it comes to Saving and spending money. They mostly go for wants not knowing that spending on needs is important because needs are the essential things that we require for survival and well-being, such as food, shelter, clothing, healthcare, education, and basic transportation. Meeting our needs is crucial for our physical and emotional health and for our ability to function effectively in society.

On the other hand, wants are things that we desire but do not necessarily need. Wants can include luxuries, entertainment, hobbies, and other non-essential items. While it's perfectly fine to indulge in wants occasionally, prioritizing wants over needs can lead to financial difficulties and make it challenging to meet our basic needs.

Spending on needs ensures that we have a solid foundation for our lives, while spending on wants should be seen as an additional bonus once our needs are met. By prioritizing our needs, we can make better financial decisions and have a more stable and fulfilling life.

Spending on needs over wants can have several benefits:

Provides a sense of security: Meeting our basic needs provides a sense of security and stability. When we have a roof over our heads, food on the table, and clothes to wear, we can focus on other aspects of our lives without worrying about our basic survival.

Prevents financial stress: Prioritizing spending on needs can help prevent financial stress, which can have negative impacts on our physical and mental health. When we spend beyond our means, we can accumulate debt, struggle to pay bills, and feel overwhelmed by financial obligations.

Encourages responsible financial habits: By prioritizing needs over wants, we can develop responsible financial habits, such as budgeting and saving for emergencies. These habits can help us achieve financial goals and ensure we have a stable financial future.

Allows for more flexibility: When we prioritize needs over wants, we have more flexibility in our spending. We can make choices that align with our values and priorities, rather than feeling compelled to spend on things we don't need or want.

In conclusion, spending on needs is important because it provides a solid foundation for our lives, prevents financial stress, encourages responsible financial habits, and allows for more flexibility in our spending. While it's okay to indulge in wants occasionally, prioritizing our needs is crucial for our well-being and financial stability.