Why is Drop Servicing getting so popular?


New member
Everyone in the make money online niche has heard about drop shipping and everyone has an opinion about it. Many people have tried it and have had varying levels of success with it.

Drop servicing has been around for a while. And some people are really doing well with this online business. So, what is drop servicing? Well, it is very similar to drop shipping but you do this with services instead of products.

This could be services like graphic design, website design, digital products and so on. This is a business which you find a freelancer to work for an agreed upon price and sell their services to a third party for a higher price and keep the difference for yourself.

Now this drop servicing, if done correctly can be a very lucrative endeavor. This may be a hot strategy going forward into 2021.

Do you already make money with drop servicing? Will you try this in the upcoming year?