Why does location of the market affect business development


The location of the market is one Factor to consider to ensure business growth and development. Why is this important when the location of the market is far from the location of the production or the selling of goods and services the rate of the goods that will be demanded will be low. And this will pose a grave consequences when such businesses engaged in producing perishable goods because this can lead to spoilage of such goods and in turn leading to loss. But when the location of the market is close to the area of production or selling of the goods and services it will give organisation or the business or the entrepreneur the ability to make more profit and also they demand for such good and services will be higher. And more to that when they see that the demand for such goods will be high the supply of the goods will also be higher and inflation will be hindered as well. So therefore it is important and advisable that when going into production of a particular goods or services such business or such entrepreneur first of all take into consideration the location of the market so that it will aid in the development of such business and organization.


VIP Contributor
The location of a business will definitely play an important role in the success of a business because whenever the location of the business is good then the business is likely to be a bit more better most especially near a market. As you said , it will be very much difficult for certain business organisation or farmers who deals with perishable products to market and sell their products when they are based in a location that is not nearer to market.

This is one of the reason why farmers are always advised to really understand their location first before venturing into cultivation of certain crops so as to prevent unnecessary wastage of food and resources.

Apart from the fact that a business is not nearer to a market but at least there must be some sort of good transportation network in which a farmer or a business man can easily transport his or her product to a location in which they are needed.

King bell

VIP Contributor
Location of the market affects business development in many ways. Whether the location of your product is at a high-income or low-income area, it will affect which customers are likely to buy your products. The location of the market also affects the type of materials that you'll be able to find in order to run your business, as well as where you will be able to purchase them. For example, a bakery may not want an underground freezer on account of its rotten food smell that would emanate and put off customers from buying baked goods. A good refrigeration system might cost more than what they make with only 2 weeks worth of sales in a month. They may have to settle with a rusty old freezer that will not keep their products fresh and appealing.

Many cities are located in the middle of nowhere, not close to any other city, even though they may be a thriving metropolis. This is especially true of towns in the Midwest, where farmlands and other undeveloped areas can still be found within miles of the town center. In such cases, it might be difficult to find suppliers for goods needed for your business. You might have to go to another city far from your location.