Why does capital very important


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Why does capital very important

Capital in effect is very important when it comes to business because without a capital the won't be any business, among the factor of business which include land, labour and capital etc, capital also play huge role because with capital one could start a business many businesses do not require land or much labor to start up like hawking of item, but capital is needed to start up a business even without the other factors.

When one has large capital put in a business one could describe how such business would look like, it would look wealthy and booming but if at any case capital is lacking in a business such business may not see the light of the day it would gradually collapse because of the little amount of capital put in it.
Base on capital we have small scale business and large scale businesses many businesses in Nigeria operate as small scale because of the amount of money involve while few are large scale but still some of this small scale businesses have being transform into large scale businesses just with time and effort the capital of such business will grow into something huge and also the employee of small scale are smaller than the large scale production.


Active member
Like you said, capital is a very essential tool for a business if not the most essential tool because i don't see how a business can begin without capital.This is the reason why most people with business plans and business ideas without capital sell their business plans and ideas to those who have enough capital but lack these business ideas.


New member
Capital essentially is vital with regards to business on the grounds that without a capital the won't be any business, among the variable of business which incorporate land, work and capital and so forth, capital likewise assume enormous part in light of the fact that with capital one could begin a business numerous organizations don't need land or much work to fire up like peddling of thing, however capital is expected to fire up a business even without different elements.


VIP Contributor
Capital is one of the things that must be first put into consideration when thinking of establishing a business because without proper capital preparation a business mostly may not likely to be profitable. We have to put so many things into consideration to be able to get the amount of money needed to establish up a business to a standard level..

I have seen situation of people establishing a business without adequate capital . Well in such situations certain business can be successful even without the use of the required capital such as setting up a supermarket. In situations like this you can start up with the little you believe will be needed and as the demand for more product grows you can earn profit and continue setting up and increasing your business. This is not the case in some other business organisation it all depends on the type of business you are interested to do.


Valued Contributor
Capital is not just important it is needed in order to start a business. How can you start eating when there is no food on the table? Capital is the most important thing that must be in place as far as starting a business is concerned.
Without capital you cannot acquire the needed tools, equipments and goods that you will use to start up your whatsoever.
This makes it very crucial and important. And I think I should say this that if you have every other thing needed to start up a business and you lack or do not have capital, tye business cannot kick start. Capital is what provide acceleration to your business so it can have a velocity and keep moving.