Why companies don't make their vacancies public


VIP Contributor
There are several reasons why companies don't make their vacancies public. The first is that they don't want to advertise them, because they're not sure if they will find the right person. This is especially true in the early stages of the recruiting process, when it is difficult to predict if the position will be filled within a few weeks or months.

The second reason is that there may be legal issues with making your job vacancies public. For example, you may be required by law to keep secret any information that could identify an employee or applicant. For example, if you were hiring a salesperson and someone submitted an application for that position, you'd be required by law to keep the application confidential — even though you didn't submit it yourself — until after the person had been hired and had started working at your company.

The third reason is that some employers consider making their vacancies public as a negative during interviews because people might see how many positions are open and decide not to apply for them due to lack of availability (and therefore decrease in wages).