Why arrogance is a bad omen for a business person.


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Arrogance is synonymous with pride. It is the state of seeing yourself better than others and thereby treating people in a demeaning way. Some people are naturally arrogant and they carry this same character into business. One thing I have come to observe is that no matter how essential your product is and how big the patronage level, if you are arrogant, you would be easily displaced when a competitor shows up.
A guy in my area has been running a viewing center for years. We have boys in my area, so they troop in to watch football in his place. This guy is so arrogant that he can easily walk a customer out just for flimsy issues. He warned some customers not to come to his place to watch football again. People were just managing him because there were no alternatives. The moment another guy just opened his viewing center in the area, within two weeks, no one ever went to the former guy's place. Be humble as a business person.
Arrogance is a bad omen for a business person. Arrogance may be defined as a belief in one's own greatness, power, and abilities. It can also be characterized by an inflated opinion of oneself and by the inability to admit mistakes and to learn from them.

Many successful people are arrogant; so is nearly everyone who has achieved economic success, whether he or she achieved it through hard work or through luck. The most successful people in our society tend to be arrogant because they often have little experience with failure. They believe it's not possible for them to fail, so they never try anything new or different. They don't see themselves as being capable of making mistakes, because they have never done it before.

If you want to achieve great things in life and business, you need to understand that arrogance is a deadly mistake that can derail your career. Here are five ways that arrogance will prevent you from achieving your goals:

1) You won't take advantage of opportunities that could help improve your business model and increase revenue

2) You won't seek out advice from other professionals who have more experience than you do

3) You won't listen when someone gives constructive criticism about how you could improve your product or service.