General insurance Which insurance premium do you think is more riskier?


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Their are multitude of insurance premium offered to customers or preferred by the customers. No doubt investing into insurance is risky for both the insurance company and the customer.

The essence of customers going into insurance is for their personal gain or profit. Same thing goes to the company. Cos, no one would say to me, or another that what led him or her going to insurance is simply to waste money. I'll simply disagree. Even if we aren't hoping for the worst to happen in our lives. But since we are living in a world full of dreadful circumstances we can expect any challenges to our lives and property.

Which insurance premium poses more threat to financial loss to the company or customer?
The aim of both insurance company and the insured as you have right said is to make profit. For the customer, I think it is waste of money to be insuring on life. I am not saying it is not good but since we will all die, why the hush.
The aim of both insurance company and the insured as you have right said is to make profit. For the customer, I think it is waste of money to be insuring on life. I am not saying it is not good but since we will all die, why the hush.
You definitely do not understand what life insurance means. Life insurance in the layman term is simply; simply means securing your properties and inheritance to your family in the sense that when you are no more your family will be able to claim all those properties instead of going to court.
You definitely do not understand what life insurance means. Life insurance in the layman term is simply; simply means securing your properties and inheritance to your family in the sense that when you are no more your family will be able to claim all those properties instead of going to court.
I understand your point and I know the meaning of life insurance. Thanks for the contribution though. I said life insurance doesn't make sense in the sense that the owner won't even benefit from it but the family. And a person can just prepare its will or use the premium for life insurance to establish businesses for his family.
You definitely do not understand what life insurance means. Life insurance in the layman term is simply; simply means securing your properties and inheritance to your family in the sense that when you are no more your family will be able to claim all those properties instead of going to court.
That one you explained resembles the Will. When it comes to life insurance, we are ensuring our life to the insurance company. They'll be the one to take care of the burial rights when the customer finally laid to rest based on what is stated on the white paper. If the person concerned with insurance dies the other way round with out what insurance covers the family will bear the loss.
An insurance company is something like a business that makes and sells a variety of products. Just like every business has its own products to sell, each insurance companies also have unique products (or policy in the correct terminology). You will have to analyze the policy to see which one is riskier.
An insurance company is something like a business that makes and sells a variety of products. Just like every business has its own products to sell, each insurance companies also have unique products (or policy in the correct terminology). You will have to analyze the policy to see which one is riskier.
I think the individual in question has the final decision to analyse the insurance that is more risky to go into. With all this policies led out by insurance companies we ought to pay attention closely to ascertain its terms and conditions in order to know if their is possibility of earning benefits from it long time.