Which are the best popup and popunder ad networks?


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Some members have mentioned that only pop under or pop up ad networks are suitable for low traffic websites since they claim that they pay for every visitor. Is anyone here using popunder or popup ad networks for their website? If yes, which is the popup or popunder ad network which you are using? What is the CPM for this ad network, especially for Asian countries. How accurate is the ad network in tracking all the visitors to the website? Have you received any payment from this ad network. I am already using popads but there is some problem in the browser, due to which I am getting logged out automatically. So I would like to find out the alternatives available for my website.
I think propeller ads is one of the best pop up and pop under ad networks for all kinds of websites. They offer low payment threshold of just $5. You can also use popads network. This pop under ads also have a low payment threshold. I have used these both ads and received payment.
Are you using popads at present? If yes, can you login to your account and copy ad code without being logged out? If you are not being logged out, can you provide details of the browser which you are using? I being logged out automatically from my popads account for Firefox, Microsoft edge, so I am trying to troubleshoot the problem.
I have tried using popads but I am not using this ad network at this moment. In fact I gave up this ad network without reaching payment threshold. I knew pop ads were intrusive ads but I as no aware that thase ads provide low quality ads. Most of the ads were flagged as virus by browser I used.
I was completely warned against using pop under at because they do not pay very well so I decided just to stick to pop up at. I have used pop ads and a much better propeller ad and have been a very good experience so far with very good methods of making money.
For how long have you been using propeller ads and how many page views does your website have? I am having zero revenues if I use most other ad networks, even for 5000 page views monthly, so I forced to use pop up ads. Does propeller ads ask users to upload their id proof for the account?

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