Where is the safest place to keep your money?


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I want to put a certain amount of my money to counter inflation. Suggest some ideas on this


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Inflation is a situation in which the prices of goods and services increase over time. It is a natural consequence of a growing economy, and it means that the dollar you have today will buy you fewer goods and services in the future.

The best way to counter this is with inflation-protected investments—that is, investments that maintain their value as inflation rates change. For example, if you put your money into something like a high-yield savings account or a bond, the value of your investment will decrease as inflation increases.

The best investment for fighting inflation is almost always a market-based investment like stocks or real estate. If you find yourself in a situation where you want to counter inflation, investing your money is the way to go. Inflation is a situation in which the prices of goods and services increase over time. It is a natural consequence of a growing economy, and it means that the dollar you have today will buy you fewer goods and services in the future. The best way to counter this is with inflation-protected investments—that is, investments that maintain their value as inflation rates change.


Verified member
There are many places to keep your money to he safe money is a valuable asset which is very important money rules the world without money we can't do anything and so we need to know that alas we are struggling to make money some people are trying to take it away which is really bad because people like that are too lazy to make their own money.

There are many ways to make money from working online and websites to working offline setting up businesses which is supposedly to be managed without good business management it will crash evently.

There are many ways to make money one of the ways is saving your money in the bank all you have to do is go to the bank and open an account either savings or current then you will be given an ATM card which you can use to withdraw your money.

Another way is using the old method of either using saving box or keeping your money in safe places like digging the ground and putting your money inside or even under your pillow which is private air find any other private place or you can even keep your money with someone which you trust.


Verified member
Well, I think this depends on individual differences with the emergence of the digital currency or cryptocurrency. People are now much more enlightened to invest in those digital coins either by trading or by withholding their funds there because there is higher chances of their funds accumulating rather than saving it in the bank where they there will little or no interest coupled with frequent and unexplainable deductions. I have been keeping my savings in the bank for a couple of years and as it stands I have not even been able to claim a bonus upto $2 throughout my six years of saving money.

This inturns become so devastating because at the end of the day, the banks are using the money to loan out to people and to get interest but to look at it keenly they give these people who leave their funds in the bank little or no interest which has become really appalling. In the case of this, if I am able to get on in the training I would also invest in Bitcoin specifically or Ethereum because that is now the new game changer and I would not want to waste my funds in the bank.