When your mails keep getting into spam folder?


Valued Contributor
In email marketing , it is not just enough for one to get the targeted emails of the people you want to reach out to for patronage of a product that you are selling or a service you are rendering which you believe would be relevant to them and the growth of their business , you ought to make sure that you also are not just sending out emails .
Your mails reaching their inbox is what really matter .
There is actually no need spending time to send emails only to discover that majority of them are not even going neat the inboxes of the end users .

This is why you have to take certain things into consideration .

- Make sure your mails do not contain words that have been marked to be span triggers .
A simple Google search would enable you to realise those words and make sure you do not use them at all , or to make sure you minimize how you use them .

- Use tools like boomerang to know if your mails are getting opened or not. This enable you access what you are doing.

- Do not send all emails at once , but do so in batches , with breaks in between .