When should you retire?


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When should you retire? The short answer is: whenever you want to. The longer answer? Well, first of all, if you're a working professional, you've already dealt with the idea that conventional retirement is no longer the option it once was. Sure, some people can be supported by their pensions and Social Security checks, but for most people—especially young professionals—relying on these types of income is just a fantasy.

And that's okay! It really is! Because when we look at the big picture, we see that the change in retirement options has actually opened up new opportunities for people of all ages—including those who are looking to start or change careers.

We have to face facts: too many businesses have gotten away with hiring employees and then discarding them after they reach a certain age, even if they're perfectly capable of doing their job. But what business owners have been slow to realize is this: it's not just about being able to do your job; it's about being able to enjoy doing it, and continuing to grow as an employee and as a person.

That's where alternative retirement comes in. When you decide that you don't want to work for someone else anymore, or that you want to make a career you can retire.
Retirement is a time of rest and time to enjoy the fruit of your labour. Retirement is based on your personal decision, You will need to weigh your preferences, your finances, your health and your family needs in deciding what’s best for you. Knowing the right time to retire depend on you, your ability, status and achievement. You cannot retire when you are not financially stable, when you haven't achieve your goal of working. At retirement, one should be able to take care of his financial problems and leave comfortable as an evidence of someone who had been working and earning before retirement. There are some old people who are of age to retire yet are still struggling to earn the little they can because of lack of planning and poor money management.

Build up enough savings to be able to live comfortably without having to hold a job if you want to retire early, the earlier you retire, the more money you need to save. If you are in excellent health and have longevity in your family, working a little longer may not significantly cut into your health plans, take an honest look at your health and life expectancy and weigh that into your decision about when to retire.
In as much as people relish the thought of retiring and "living the American dream", some are forced into early retirement due to one unforseen circumstances or another, thereby they end up not living the life they envisaged. Retiring on your own volition means you've achieved a remarkable financial feat in life.