What You Need to Know About Zinc Supplementation


The mineral zinc is crucial for the body's capacity to absorb and process protein. It also helps with metabolism, cell repair, and immune function. Zinc deficiency has been linked to certain cancers and heart disease. While it is not recommended for everyone, taking a small daily dose of zinc can improve your health if you have symptoms of deficiency.

There are two different types of zinc: supplemental and dietary. Supplemental zinc comes in tablet form, while dietary zinc is found in a wide variety of foods like red meat, poultry and seafood. You should consume between 15-20 mg of zinc each day and if you're taking supplements, make sure they contain at least 10 mg per dose.

While most people get enough zinc through their diets, some people may find that they need additional supplementation to get their daily intake up to 20 mg per day. If this is the case for you then speak with your doctor about how much extra zinc that might mean taking on top of what's already in your diet (such as food sources).