What you can do to help close the racial wealth gap?


There are a number of things you can do to avoid discriminating against people of color in the workplace.

First, be aware of your own personal biases. We all have them, and they can influence our interactions with others without us even realizing it.

Second, make a conscious effort to treat everyone equally, regardless of race. This includes things like not making assumptions about someone's abilities or qualifications based on their race, and not making assumptions about what someone is interested in or experiences based on their race.

Third, take action if you witness someone being treated unfairly because of their race. This could mean speaking up if you see a coworker making a racist joke, or intervening if you see someone being harassed or discriminated against because of their race.

Finally, educate yourself and others about racism and its effects on people of color. The more we understand about the issue, the better equipped we'll be to address it.