What to do and how to use Oxytocics Drug to prevent Bleeding during Birth.

During the time woman is giving birth they are may be bleeding and if it is not well handle it can leads to the death of the mother or even both mother and the child.

this is the most important use of these medicines. In a case of heavy bleeding after the placenta has come out, inject one 0.2 mg.. ampule(or two 0.2 mg. tablets) of ergonovone or ergometrine maleate( Ergotrate,etc) once every hour for 3 hours or until the bleeding is under control. After the bleeding is controlled, continue giving 1 ampule (or 1 pill) ev3ry 4hours for 24 hours. If there is no ergonovine or if heavy bleeding starts before the placenta ces out, inject oxytocin instead.

IMPORTANT: Each expectant mother, and the midwife, should have ready enough ampules of ergonovine to combat heavy bleeding if it occurs. But these medicines should be used only in serious cases.

A woman who has suffered from heavy bleeding after previous births can be given 1 qmpulw (or 2 pills) of ergonovine immediately after the placenta comes out , and every 4 hours for the next 24 hours.

The use of oxytocics
can be dangerous, and only a skilled health worker should use them. But, if the woman is rapidly losing blood absedical help is far away, use an oxytocic as i have suggested above. Oxytocin( pitocin) is probably best.

WARNING: The use of Ergotrate, pitocin, or pituitrin to hasten childbirth or give Strenght' to the mother in labor is very dangerioua for both her and the child. The times when oxytocics are needed before the baby is born are very vrare, and it is better that only a trained birth attendant use them then. Never use oxytocics before the child is born.
The Th use of oxytocics during childbirth to give Strenght to the mother can kill rh the mother , the baby or both.

There is no safe medicine for giving Strenght to the mother or for making the birth quicker or easier.

If you want the woman to have enough Strenght for childbirth , have her veat body- building and protective food during the full 9 months of pregnancy. Also encourage her to have children less often.