What Not to do During a Business Meeting


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What not to do during a business meeting
It's easy to get caught up in the excitement of a business meeting, but don't forget to keep your cool. Listed are some things you shouldn't do:

Don't interrupt the other person, no matter how much you disagree with what they're saying.

Don't try to sell yourself or your company, even if the other person is interested in buying from you. The best salespeople are calm, confident and charismatic.

Don't start talking about yourself too soon. Be reserved — people will trust you if they know that you have something useful to say.

Don't leave early — this sends a message that your time isn't valuable enough for the meeting to be worth your while.

Don't talk too much - at least not during the first part of the meeting as it's often an opportunity for everyone to introduce themselves and get everyone on board with what they want to do.