Real estate What marketing tools do you use to promote real estate and attract customers?


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Marketing tools used successfully in real estate

If you have a real estate business, here are the main marketing tools you can use to successfully promote real estate online:

1. Google Adwords - an important tool for online marketing and real estate promotion

By running targeted campaigns on Google - Google Ads - you get fast, effective and measurable results. Google Adwords campaigns help you visibly promote real estate properties online for a well-defined target, including the location you want.

2. Choose to promote yourself through Facebook Ads and more easily attract the customers you want

As with Google Adwords, Facebook Ads will be able to set a specific element for each campaign to target your offer to the right customers. In online promotion of your real estate you can set criteria such as age, occupation, education, interests and location.

3. Use Remarketing / Retargeting in campaigns to remind customers about your real estate

On Google (Adwords, or e-mail) and Facebook, remarketing will help you to show targeted messages only to those who have performed a certain action in relation to your offers, for example they have already visited your website.

4. Ads for external sites - a good opportunity to promote your real estate

In the field of online marketing, you have many options to promote yourself, from sites that list ads in the real estate area, to local sites that allow the posting of ads with offers in the field.

All of these are opportunities that are worth paying attention to, because they will arouse the interest of potential customers.

5. SEO optimization - one of the most effective marketing tools

Using this online real estate promotion tool - for both text and visual content - should not just be an option but a necessity. Optimized keywords and descriptions will help you become relevant, position yourself in the top of the search, and get your target's attention.

6. Use Keyword Planner and become more visible online

It's important to create marketing messages around keywords that customers search for on Google. These will help you get the visibility you want in both paid online campaigns and organic search.

7. Short illustrative videos - to visually promote real estate

If a picture is worth 1000 words, how much do you think a video is worth? Buyers are directly interested in seeing, beyond the captivating descriptions, concrete images from the "spot" and make a projection on a potential investment. Use this marketing tool with confidence for your real estate properties and to promote them effectively.

8. Highlight real estate and promote it using Visual Content

Make sure you have a good enough camera to help you value your offer, or turn to the services of a professional. To avoid the cumbersome loading of these images, which is also penalized by Google, you can optimize their display with the help of online tools such as TinyPNG - Photo Optimization Tool.

9. Use unique URLs to promote your real estate online

In marketing campaigns it is important to have a good track record on all the elements used. URLs - the address of a site / blog - rank first in these items. You can shorten, customize and generate unique links for your offer with the help of online tools such as Bitly - URL Shortener Tool. With the help of these tools you will also obtain "click analytics" information.

10. Don't forget about email marketing in your promotional campaigns

Whether you are retargeting or thinking about a newsletter to submit your offer to the existing database, email is a real estate marketing tool that should not be missing from your list.

11. Attract customers by writing and posting engaging articles on the Blog

Most marketing tools bring you closer to the consumer. However, the most important question is: where can you be found when the customer is looking for you? Invest in a simple, functional blog where you can constantly publish your articles and offers in an engaging way - combining rational and emotional arguments.

12. Add testimonials to your real estate marketing campaigns to build trust with other clients

Testimonials are extremely valuable guarantees of trust. Have you just successfully completed a real estate transaction and your client has been satisfied with your involvement? Suggest that they post a testimonial about their online experience (on your blog, on their Facebook page, on the specialty sites where you placed your ads, etc.). Customer opinions are an important decision factor for those who are wondering whether to choose you.

13. Use mobile texting for impact marketing campaigns

SMS-based campaigns are still a common tool used in marketing campaigns. However, they can be a disadvantage in terms of budget and the fact that they can be perceived as intrusive.

14. Measure, analyze, and compare promotion results with Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a marketing tool that will help you both during and at the end of your campaigns. With it, you will be able to observe the impact of the promoted messages and draw conclusions about how you should approach your real estate promotion campaigns.