What is your experience with delivery companies


Active member
Delivery companies in our present time I must say has been a really fast rising industry but many are stuck in between its true benefits and authenticity's of products purchased from online stores or delivery companies.
I haven't had any experience with this delivery companies because I usually like to go purchase goods my self, but from your recommendation and experience you can give us an incite into what it has been with your relationship and encounter with delivery companies, how long did it take for your good or wares to get to you,how durable and authentic are their services and would you recommend anyone from your experience to actually make use of the services of this delivery companies.
Many would have a good encounter with delivery companies and some wouldn't so what has been your own experience with this delivery companies.
I don't sue delivery store for many reasons. There was a time I was delivered what was totally diffrent from what I ordered. I was asked to wait for some days for them to change the stuff for me. They changed the thing only for the new one to be worse than the first one.
There is a logistics company here that uses their own trucks for the delivery. But their business is the bulk delivery only. For small deliveries the most common here is the motorcycle. That is the standard means of delivering food items and any other product that can fit in the motorcycle. I have been sending seedlings to friends with he use of the motorcycle delivery.

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