What is the best way to get traffic on a blog easily?


Getting traffic on a blog is hard.

You have to work for it, and then work even harder once you've got it.

The best way to get traffic on a blog easily is to use Google AdWords.

This is because, for the most part, Google AdWords will help you reach more people and it's much easier to do than reaching out to people directly.

Google AdWords gives you an opportunity to target your audience based on their demographics and interests. You can specify certain keywords that are relevant to your blog post or page and bid for them in order for them to appear at the top of search results when someone searches for those keywords.

You can also set up campaigns so that you can optimize your ads to show up in different places depending on where they are being shown/sold (e.g., online vs offline).

Additionally, by creating different ad groups with different keywords within each group, you can increase or decrease your bids depending on whether or not someone has already clicked on one of your ads before or if they are looking at a specific type of ad (e.g., video ads vs text-based ads).