What Is Tensorflow? How Does It Work?


VIP Contributor
TensorFlow.js is a JavaScript library for training and deploying machine learning models in the browser and on Node.js. It is developed by Google and allows you to build and train machine learning models using a high-level API, without the need for any specialized hardware or software.

To use TensorFlow.js, you will first need to install it using npm (the package manager for Node.js). Open up a terminal and enter the following command:

''npm install @tensorflow/tfjs''

This command will install tensor on your project and also enable you to use it.

One of the main uses of TensorFlow.js is for training and deploying machine learning models. TensorFlow.js provides a high-level API for building and training models, as well as a lower-level API for more advanced use cases.

TensorFlow.js provides a wide range of functions for working with Tensors, including functions for creating, manipulating, and performing mathematical operations on them.

So basically if you're interested in learning machine learning and artificial intelligence, Tensorflow is a very good way to get started, the resources you need are very much out there and free and you also need the knowledge of Maths, Statistics and Programming to get ahead, ML and AI are going to be in demand skills in the next coming years.

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