What is stroke and how it can be prevented

Stroke is a life-threatening medical emergency that occurs when the brain's blood supply is cut off. This causes brain cells to die due to a lack of oxygen. When this happens, one side of the body's capacity to think, speak, move, and/or feel can be gone. Strokes are most usually caused by artery blockages (atherosclerosis), but excessive blood pressure, diabetes, and other medical disorders can also cause them. How to Reduce the Risks of Stroke: Stroke can be avoided by checking and balancing your blood and sugar levels, participating in cardiovascular exercise, and consuming healthy meals. Another approach to avoid having a stroke is to give up smoking.
How to prevent a stroke Stroke is a cardiovascular disease that affects humans. When the blood does not flow constantly from the heart to the brain, this can be caused as a result of a high level of cholesterol in the blood stream.
Taking alcohol can lead to failure of the heartbeat as a result of an excess of sugar in the blood stream. prevention of stroke.
Stroke can be prevented by avoiding these precautions.
Avoid eating foods that contain excess oil.
We make sure that we don't eat at midnight; that is solid food.
Avoid drinking alcohol.
Exercise is good for preventing the accumulation of excess cholesterol in the blood stream.

Eating foods that contain high fibre The drinking of excess water early in the morning and the mixing of water with lime make the digestion very easy. Stay away from eating excess carbohydrates and concentrated refined sugar. Smoking of cannabis and cigarettes is not part of good health development. Make sure you eat foods that contain calcium ions to build strong nerves and muscles that make the bones active.
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