What is retirement and how to plan for it.


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Retirement is a term used to describe a time when the access a worker has to a firm, company or organization ends or expires. Your services will no longer be needed and at some points your salary stops.
For a government worker you retire after 35 years of service and for some firms you have to retire when you click 65 or any designated age when they think you cannot function effectively and efficiently.

The need for you to plan ahead of this retirement is because you will need something that will keep you going in terms of money and income as your payment stops the moment you retire.(though some are paid monthly pensions)

So how do I plan my retirement. First of all as someone who is heading toward retirement you must know what kind of work will fit you after you retire. Do you have the energy to still do energy needing and consuming jobs or will you need to hire workers if needed and necessary in your firm? Is it going to be an offline or online work?
With these in mind you analyse and see what jobs best fit you and after selecting you work towards realizing it and making it stable before you retire.