Earn Money what is Mturk?


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Basically, Mturk is doing various short tasks for a little money. I think of it as tasks that they would love a computer to be able to do but either technology hasn't come far enough or is too expensive to use for the task. mTurk is whatever you make of it. Depending on what skills you have and how much time you put in, you can get a nice chunk of money.
Mturk is a site which is similar to other microjob sites like picoworkers and microworkers.It provides small jobs like subscription,likes etc.I think that you need to submit a form and based on there selection criteria they may accept you or reject your application to join them. Although I don't have any first hand experience of working with them I still feel that there are better alternative s available than Mturk and it's always better to go through all the options and then choose the right one.
Amazon Mechanical Turk , also known as Mturk describes itself as “a marketplace for work that requires human intelligence.", in other words it's a system that allows people to do some small jobs on the Amazon platform that can't be done by a computer, so it requires human intelligence. The pay varies from a "master" to a normal worker but usually its around 6$ per hour.