Making money on Mturk


Valued Contributor
Amazon Mechanical Turk is a platform where businesses and individuals can post tasks for people to complete for a small fee. These tasks, also known as Human Intelligence Tasks (HITs), can range from simple data entry to more complex research and analysis. As a worker on Mechanical Turk, you can earn money by completing these HITs and get paid through Amazon Payments.

To get started, sign up for a worker account on the Mechanical Turk website. Then, browse through the available HITs and choose those that match your skills and interests. You can also set your availability, preferences for HITs, and preferred payment methods. Once you have completed a HIT, the requester will review your work and approve or reject it. If approved, you will get paid within a few days.

To increase your chances of earning money on Mechanical Turk, here are some tips:

Complete HITs quickly and accurately: Requesters prefer workers who complete tasks quickly and accurately, so aim to be as efficient as possible.

Look for HITs with high pay and good ratings: Some HITs may pay more than others, so look for ones that pay well and have good ratings from other workers.

Be a reliable worker: Building a good reputation on Mechanical Turk can lead to more opportunities for work in the future.

Diversify your skills: Consider learning new skills so you can take on a wider range of HITs.


Active member
Here are some additional details and tips to help you make money on Mechanical Turk:

  1. Monitor available HITs regularly: New HITs are added to the platform regularly, so make sure to check back often to see if there are any that match your skills and preferences.
  2. Take advantage of bonuses: Some requesters may offer bonuses for completing HITs quickly or for completing a large number of HITs. Look for these opportunities to earn extra money.
  3. Build a good reputation: Your reputation on Mechanical Turk can greatly impact your earning potential. Make sure to complete HITs accurately and provide quality work, and you may start to receive more offers for high-paying HITs.
  4. Be mindful of your earnings: Mechanical Turk is not a full-time job, so be mindful of how much you earn and how you spend your time on the platform. Make sure to balance your work on Mechanical Turk with other responsibilities and interests.


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  • Work during peak times: Some requesters may need tasks completed quickly, so try to work during peak times when there are more HITs available.
  • Stay organized: Keep track of the HITs you have completed and the payments you have received. This will help you keep track of your earnings and avoid confusion or disputes.
  • Consider working as a team: If you know someone else who is also a worker on Mechanical Turk, consider working together on HITs. This can help you both work more efficiently and potentially earn more money.
  • Be patient: It may take some time to build a steady stream of work on Mechanical Turk, so be patient and keep working on the platform regularly.