What is Dietary Fibre?


VIP Contributor
Fibre is the term used for the supporting structure of plants and is present in all parts of the plan,the leaves,flowers,seeds,fruit,stem roots, bulb and tuber .

Consequently fibre is present in vegetables,fruit and the grain of wheat and rye. For the most part,fibre is not digested in the gastrointestinal tract and,since it is not absorbed, it has no energy value.Nevertheless,it plays an important part in the proper functioning of bowel.
Fibre enmeshes bile and many food products in its substance, and so delays absorption of products such as glucose and cholesterol.

Modern dietary habits have greatly reduced the intake of fibre in our food. The outer layers of the wheat grain(bran) are discarded in order to produce white flour and white bread. White bread,biscuits,pastry,cakes and puddings made from white flour contain very little fibre or roughage.

Suger is particularly bad in this respect. White sugar is refined from beet and cane and is quickly absorbed in to the blood stream. It is a concentrated and unnatural food,high in energy value but lacking in fibre and vitamins.

Suger disposes to tooth decay(caries),since it encourages the growth of bacteria at the him margins. Because sugar is concentrated food and can be taken to excess in beverages, chocolates and biscuits,it increases the energy intake and leads to obesity. Excess sugar in middle age may dispose to diabetes by throwing a strain on the insulin mechanism: the more suger absorbed ,the more insulin has to he produced.
So therefore a healthy diet should contain adequate fibre or roughage.

I belive that we might have learnt one thing or the other . Thanks.