What is business communication ?


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Business communication can be defined as the process by which information is passed between an enterprise and its various publics through varied media. It is both an internal and external activity.

Business organization are linked internally by various channels of communication between the employer and employees,superiors and subordinates,employees and fellow workers. Externally, an organization depends for its daily functioning on an intricate web of communication network which has grown up and become complex as a result of competition and the convergence of information and communication Technology.

It is impossible not to communicate in a business establishment. The whole structure of an organization itself ia planked on the possibility of communication.
The 21st century is knowledge-based and is driven by competition. Instantaneity or spontaneity is a recognized norm of the century.Thus,organizations must communicate far afield in their quest for growth and survival.

What do you understand about business communication?
There may be different types of communication but when it comes to business it involves the sharing of information that is centred around achieving the business goals of that particular company. It is very important that the business owner and the employees found a very important way that they can reliably pass messages crossed each other.