What exactly is Volt Inu V2(VOLT)?


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Volt Inu is a hyper-deflationary token that may be used for a variety of investments, including NFTs, nodes, altcoins, staking, and stablecoin farming. Profits from Treasury investments are subsequently applied to the purchase and burning of VOLT tokens, as VOLT is designed to be a hyper-deflationary currency. Additionally, Volt Inu has a unique MX-DeFi Event listed on MEXC.


Core Features of Volt Inu V2

Through the fractionalization of NFTs and the acquisition of nodes that will enable ongoing revenue creation to be reinvested in VOLT, VOLT is able to produce passive income for all investors.

Social activity reward that is automated. Holders of VOLT tokens can burn their tokens and accomplish weekly tasks to gain exposure for VOLT and qualify for bonuses under the rank-and-reward system.
Ecosystem NFT. It is planned to develop binding mechanisms between the token and NFT projects, such as allowing NFT holders to buy VOLT at a discounted price and providing them exclusive access to the launchpad and future features. Volt Inu V2 is ready to interface with many NFT systems.
Racer P2E. Users of Volt Inu 2D Racers, a browser-based online game, can participate in races for free and pay to play activities in which they can earn VOLT based on their standing on the leaderboards.