Crypto What Exactly Is Crypto Staking? How Much Can I Earn Staking 10 Dollars Worth Of Cardano?


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I have been working hard and struggling a lot to earn money online and I have been planning to make money by staking crypto. However, I am not really sure how it works. There are some wallets that have offered users to stake cryptocurrencies by holding coins in the wallet. Can someone explain me how it works exactly? Let's say, I hold $10 worth of Cardano coin in wallet. How much will I be able to earn from staking Cardano coin? Is this different from crypto lending where other borrow your coin and pay you interest? I have read some articles, but I was not able to understand properly because I think they were a bit complicated for me to understand. I need someone to explain in simple words and also do not forget to help me to calculate how much I will be able to earn if I stake $10 worth of Cardano. Thanks!
I actually have the same question because I had read in another forum that staking is good. There is another post that I read that if you stake your crypto coin and you did not sell then you did not lose anything even if the price of the crypto coin went down. With staking you also earn interest. That is interesting to me.