What do you know about quidax


Valued Contributor
Crypto is a business that makes good income for some people while it does not for some others. The reason that I noticed about this is the fact that the ones that are earning great money from it are the ones that invests big amount of money into it and to be honest, the bigger the invested amount of money, the bigger the chance making profits and the same chance attached to making a loss. The people put in big gets huge losses when it hits them.

So I was making my findings about it and I came across a platform named quidax. Well I made more researches about it and came to understand that it can be trusted but the fact that it is being owned by a Nigerian makes me doubt if it is reliable enough to invest huge amount of money into it. We all know how hard it is nowadays to sum up money these days, I am scared of a situation where I will venture into it with a huge sum of money and then I will be blaming myself later in the future feeling stupid as to why I invested such big money in the business.