Business Ideas what business would you recommend for student in university

I also go with that. Offline will distract the student from not concentrating to there studies. Because they will always want to attend to there customers even when they have class in other not to miss them.
But online business can be done anywhere and anytime. Even in the class, when the lecture is not going on. They can get home and continue the business. They do this at there leisure time.
Sure, you really spoke high volume how online business work. It isn't primarily lime the offline business that requires your attention almost all the time. Which we know it will deprive one from attending classes or lectures, affecting his or her academic welfare. But with online, we do business at our own schedule with flexibility, anywhere we find ourselves.
If the student is being interested in acquiring digital scale then the school that I should go for his blogging. At this stage of Life most didn't have the energy to create time and also research very well about blog post. You can decide to make one or two post a week depending on how free is school schedule is.
First the student need to bear in mind that his education is of outmost priority and thus should only enter into business that will not take his time and thus affect his academic performance. As for me , I will advise the person to do online business such working in a paid to post site , free lancing.
He should learn skills as well
Well some student can still even cope and they don't see that as a distraction , because there are some student that are doing little part time jobs in school and they are not even affected by the jobs they are doing and they keep earning money and coming out with flying colours in their educational section , while some are affected by the job they are doing , so It all relies mostly on the student
Guy, business is a jealous being. It hates being done with something else. When you start making money, there is no way you won't be distracted. What do you think makes some artieste quiting schools, do you know many business people that are dropped out? No one can do two things effectively at the same time. It is not possible.
Sure. I intentionally chosen blogging because as it is addictive, it is very stressful and needs a whole lot of research. This things can make students not to be focusing on it the more because of its strenuous feature. Just like you said, it depends on the students choice but we don't need to be choosing business that can easily distract us as students.
Well some student can still even cope and they don't see that as a distraction , because there are some student that are doing little part time jobs in school and they are not even affected by the jobs they are doing and they keep earning money and coming out with flying colours in their educational section , while some are affected by the job they are doing , so It all relies mostly on the student
Even blogging could be very addictive, because the student could have that addiction to earning from their site instead of making that move of studying more and achieving what they want to achieve, so it just depends on the student choice and what they actually want to go for that will determine every thing
Sure. I intentionally chosen blogging because as it is addictive, it is very stressful and needs a whole lot of research. This things can make students not to be focusing on it the more because of its strenuous feature. Just like you said, it depends on the students choice but we don't need to be choosing business that can easily distract us as students.
To be honest, I don't like recommending offline business to students. This is because it may easily distract them from their studies. I will always recommend blogging and affiliate marketing for students because this is less stressful and not that time demanding especially affiliate marketing.
Even blogging could be very addictive, because the student could have that addiction to earning from their site instead of making that move of studying more and achieving what they want to achieve, so it just depends on the student choice and what they actually want to go for that will determine every thing
For me I will recommend selling of airtime and data bundle. These are two products that students consume now like water. With the way everything is now done online people are always buying data. So if you can even make yours less expensive then you can sell all the time for more profit
I have a lot of friends who are into this business but I am not particularly interested because I think it will not be profitable and the kind of competition is high. Can you tell me how much you make a monthly basis from selling of airtime and data?. I really want to know so that I will compare and contrast it with what my friends make.
There are different business available ,but executing them is the main issue,because the business needs to fit in to your occupation and others ,there are students engages in barbing ,works in hairdressing saloon business and many others ,and there are some kind of business that student cant engage in because of the nature of the education he or she is learning ,business like driver,road construction workers and others so it wont affect them during their level or stage of learning ,most student actually do go for part time instead of full time course so that they could have time to run the business they are doing properly and also have time to still run on learning what they actually came to school to learn at the end ,i have friends who are running some business in school but they are finding it hard to balance it with their studies because of how tedious it is and inability to find the right kind of business to go for,so what best business would you suggest for a student in University
For me I will recommend selling of airtime and data bundle. These are two products that students consume now like water. With the way everything is now done online people are always buying data. So if you can even make yours less expensive then you can sell all the time for more profit


Valued Contributor
There are different business available ,but executing them is the main issue,because the business needs to fit in to your occupation and others ,there are students engages in barbing ,works in hairdressing saloon business and many others ,and there are some kind of business that student cant engage in because of the nature of the education he or she is learning ,business like driver,road construction workers and others so it wont affect them during their level or stage of learning ,most student actually do go for part time instead of full time course so that they could have time to run the business they are doing properly and also have time to still run on learning what they actually came to school to learn at the end ,i have friends who are running some business in school but they are finding it hard to balance it with their studies because of how tedious it is and inability to find the right kind of business to go for,so what best business would you suggest for a student in University
The type of business I can recommend for a university student is selling of Data. This means buying more data bundles and reselling it bit by bit to other people. In the university, lecturers gives students many assignment and research works to do. So many of them will need buy data in order to stay online to do their assignment.
Yes, offline business will surely distract the students no doubt. It will be worthwhile, for them to do online business since it is remote, doesn't require them to work from normal offline time schedule. With such schedule the student can combine business together with his or her education successfully.
I also go with that. Offline will distract the student from not concentrating to there studies. Because they will always want to attend to there customers even when they have class in other not to miss them.
But online business can be done anywhere and anytime. Even in the class, when the lecture is not going on. They can get home and continue the business. They do this at there leisure time.
I am also a University student and I can really tell you that there are a lot of businesses in which we can venture into and make a lot of money over time. If you have a good amount of money you can open a cyber cafe in the university environment because it is very lucrative there. you can also venture into barbing and beautician business because a lot of university students patronize such.
Yes, offline business will surely distract the students no doubt. It will be worthwhile, for them to do online business since it is remote, doesn't require them to work from normal offline time schedule. With such schedule the student can combine business together with his or her education successfully.
To be honest, I don't like recommending offline business to students. This is because it may easily distract them from their studies. I will always recommend blogging and affiliate marketing for students because this is less stressful and not that time demanding especially affiliate marketing.
Business can move especially where people converge a lot. And campus is definitely the right place for that. If you can try and get a space and start a barbing shop by putting someone there, it may bring profit.

Or start a viewing center, where football match are shown. I think this will be profitable too. Or organise and bring a star (a musician) to the campus and use a hall, and collect entrance fee or gate fee lol
The easiest business for a university student is selling personal items to the students. That means the student does not need to go far since his market base is in the university. Items like shirts, pens, fancy jewelry and other small and cheap items can surely have buyers because students have the propensity to buy personal items.
Varsity students needs to embrace online business more than any business option, cos of its schedule. You don't have to be steady on it like an offline type in order to drive sales. Since you're walking with your phone, you can login anytime and check on your business and entertain to valued customers depending on the kind of business. The one that will be suiting to students are; affiliate marketing, dropshipping, selling digital products, and their own physical products too, using social media or portfolio website to draw traffic to them.

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