What are your red flags in PTP sites


Valued Contributor
We all are conversant with Paid to Post forums and many are also beneficiaries from it. But regardless, there are some things that one may have as a red flag in such forums and I'd love to hear yours while I also share some of the common red flags.

✓ A red flag that is common is admin strictness. There are some forum administrators that are not very nice and have built a reputation of being rude and treat their members badly. That is a very common thing that makes people not to love some specific forums and I also we that as a red flag.

✓ Low payment: this has to do with nit getting paid good amounts for contents you put out. There are times when you will be working hard to see that you beat an amount but due to the low reward system in some platforms you will discover that it is visibly impossible. That at times makes some people lazy to work I'm such sites and that serves as a red flag as well.

✓ Regional restrictions: there are some forums that have banned some regions from participating in their forum. It is a red flag to me cause even if you post and earn there, you will eventually get banned.
I don't think these are red flags because red flags are things you see that are abnormal that should make one rethink about proceeding to work on a site. Your points to me are more of things you don't like about PTP sites which I agree with you.

I don't like sites that the administration is too strict. As a matter of fact I have left a dire like this. The admin there wasn't only strict he was very rude and hardly response to queries. So I felt I wouldn't be able to work to payouts so I left. so I don't like sites with strict admins.
For me when I hear about red flags I understand that these are the alarms that indicate that some danger or something bad is going to happen to the given Paid to click site.
For instance my red flags in a paid to click site would be;

Higher payment rates; When I see a ptp promises to pay it's users the highest rating on the market then I begin to suspect the legitimacy of that ptp.

Late payments to it's members
When a ptp site delays in sending payments to the members and the admin does not give out any reports concerning the same I normally take that one as a red flag and I stay away from it with immediate effect.

Inactivity of the ptp site
When you see a ptp is not active it's no doubt that people find it not worthy to work on it or they sensed danger towards working with it because the site is going to become a scamming site soon.
One of the most prominent red flags that will warn you that a paid to post forum isn't worth working for is the level of commitment the owners and admins show to the forum. I've worked on two sites that eventually failed where the admins would not be active for almost a day. There was no engagement with members, improvements done to the forums or anything to encourage posters.

Another red flag is when payments are delayed, especially if the threshold for withdrawing isn't high. If it is very high, anything above $20, you will want to be very cautious about spending your time there.