Shares/Stock What Are your Investing Strategy


Deleted member 13140

Have you ever played a mobile game before, Well Am a part time gamer, I love games, There are things that happen in mobile games that are so similar to investment, And that is having a strategy -

Most New Investors, just play the game, lose and lose before coming up with a strategy, But that isn't bad, because that's the only option, Think of it this way -

The reason you need an advisor when getting an investment strategy, is because they have played the game and they know the winning strategy.

In a mobile game, you can't defeat or pass a level without the strategy, it's either you lose a couple times and plan your way to win, or you go on YouTube and search for people who has played the level, and see what there did.
This is how you should look at investing.

So It can rapidly get very complex if you haven't done your homework, simply because there are so many different types of investments and specific assets to pick from. This is where your approach, as well as your risk tolerance and investment style, play a role.


VIP Contributor
You can't defeat a particular level on a mobile or video game game without utilizing a suitable strategy. Such is a wonderful illustration that comes from a wise thought when it concerns investment. Investment should be done by adopting a special strategy or techniques simply to scare through difficulties that tends to slow your progress down, by moving up higher in the business level and never falling off due to better strategy utilized.

Deleted member 28127

The mobile game becomes sometimes for an old player a work because at a certain level they do a Youtube channel and starts streaming and grabbing revenue, this information is repeated always on the TV programs but parents don't know such information and think simply it is a manner to waste your time without earning a dime and this is due to their culture. This is what we could call the generation gap because when they were young there was no telephone or even mobile games or experiences about how to make money from streaming and becoming a professional player and have good returns.


VIP Contributor
You are right. Before one will ever start any business one should have a good knowledge about the business about to start and if not one should consult those that knows more about the business.
One should make sure that any thing that can disrupt the business is put aside and handle very well.
Many people fails in business because of their too know and they refuse to learn or ask people how they go about their own business and succeed.
I think one should not allow things around them to give them fear so that they will not be discourage in one way of the other.


VIP Contributor
My investing strategies are simple. I invest only with my 50 percent saving. Let say I have $100 savings in my bank account and I see a share that shows a lot of potential, I will withdraw $50 from my bank and buy shares. My another investment strategy is diversifying my investment. I do not invest my $50 on shares from a single company, I will invest at least on 3 different companies. My third strategy is always by shares from the primary market as you can buy a lot of shares with little money. Buying primary shares means buying IPO shares.


VIP Contributor
Investment strategy is extremely needed to help the investors secure his money and maximize Hai profit. Mine are simple. I don't invest in any scheme except I have the knowledge it entails. I don't mind how lucrative the stuff is. If I don't know much about it, I am not investing in it. Another thing is that I don't put all my money in only investment. And when I want to invest, I don't invest heavily on any scheme.


Before making any form of investment, I usually try my best to find out from those who have gone through that same road before or like you said, played the game before. Then on my part I make sure I invest the amount I am okay with loosing then I also have some savings which I keep aside just Incase anything goes wrong.


VIP Contributor
I agree that you need the advice or trusted people about the investment that you will get involved with. To be frank, I admit my ignorance about stocks. But when I received a grant of stocks with a substantial worth, I knew that I had to learn about it. Sourcing out information from friends is a good learning method for me. Those friends who own the same stocks of mine and who had done trading already.

The first advice that I got was to sell 1,000 shares because during that time (sometimes in November) the price of the stocks is 8% higher than the price when I received my stocks. However, I do not need the money so I did not sell. Now the price is leveling down slightly below the original price of 128 per share which means I cannot sell. That is just one snapshot of my actual experience in the stock market. However, I have yet to trade and maybe I will do it once the price becomes more than 130. Let us see this coming weeks.