What are the Main Causes of Diarrhea?


VIP Contributor
Diarrhea has many causes. Sometimes special treatment is needed. However, most diarrhea can be treated successfully in the home, using Rehydration Drink, even if you are not sure of the exact causes. If a child dies not eat much, give him a little food many times a day.

Some of the Main Causes of Diarrhea are:

- Shortage if water and unclean conditions ( no latrines) spread the germs that cause diarrhea.

- Poor nutrition can cause. Especially when children is not well fed can easily get diarrhea; this weakens the child and makes diarrhea from other causes more frequent and worse.

- Virus infection or ' intestinal flu' ( diarrhea usually mild).

- An infection of the gut caused by bacteria, amebas, or giatdua.

- Inability to digest milk (mainly in severely malnourished children and certain adults)

- Difficulty babies have digesting foods that are new to them.

- Allergies to some certain goods can also cause it ( seafood, crayfish, etc, ), Occasionally babies are allergic to cow's milk or other milk.

- Side effects produced by certain medicines, such as ampicilin or tetracycline.

- Laxatives, purges, irritating or poisonous plants can also cause it.

- Eating too much unripe fruit or heavy , greasy food can also cause it.

- AIDS ( long - lasting diarrhea may be an early sign).

These are the main causes of Diarrhea I can mention here.

Any other idea is well come.