What are the career options in digital marketing?


There are many career options in digital marketing, including:

1. Digital marketing manager

This is the most common career path for those who want to work with digital marketing. A digital marketing manager will be responsible for managing a team of employees who are helping their clients with their online presence. They'll be responsible for creating content that will help their clients reach their goals and attract new customers.

2. Content creator

This type of job is similar to a digital marketing manager in that they're responsible for creating content that attracts new customers and keeps existing ones happy. However, instead of being in charge of creating advertisements, this person would be responsible for writing blog posts or creating videos that are meant to educate people about their product or service.

3. Social media manager

This person works closely with clients' social media accounts and helps them manage their presence on platforms like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. They'll also work with bloggers who write about products or services related to their client's business so that these bloggers can promote them through their own channels as well!