What affiliations should I make to draw more money into my blog?


If you want your blog to grow, you should make sure it's connected to other successful blogs. This is called affiliations and it's a great way to draw more money into your business by making your blog look more reputable. The more reputable it looks, the more likely people will be to trust what you have to say and want to buy it from you.

The first thing to do is to think about what kind of blog you want to have. There are a lot of different kinds of blogs, and they all have different purposes.

If you're just starting out, you might want to start out with a personal blog. This is the easiest kind of blog to start with because it costs very little and gives you a lot of freedom over what your content can be like. You can post pictures or videos and talk about whatever topics are important to you. You'll be able to build up an audience quickly by talking about things that relate to people who enjoy those things too!

If this sounds like something that interests you, then it's time for step two: find out where people are coming from when they visit your site. Pay attention to how many visitors come from searches on Google, how many come from social media posts, and so on and then try putting together some content around those topics in order for them to find your site more easily!

You can get affiliations by joining networks like Feedly or Bloglovin' where people share the things they like with other like-minded individuals. Or you can just make up a name for yourself and become an affiliate yourself!