Review reviews



Registered contact email is free

Technical contact email is free
The administrative contact email is free
This website is hosted in a high-risk country.
This website has received negative reviews
This site has been characterized as possibly fraudulent by Scamadviser & Safe.Shop.
This server has a large number of suspicious sites
This site may offer high risk cryptocurrency services
This online store offers anonymous payment methods

When looking for products on the Internet, a bargain is the obvious reason to choose a particular online store. Gucci bag for € 24.99 or a new iPhone for € 399? Who wouldn't want to make such a bargain! But scammers also know this and will try to take advantage of it. If you take a look at the website and see that the deal is not very believable, think twice and double check everything.

The easiest way to do this is to simply try the same product on competing sites (which you trust). If the price difference is huge ... it might be better to double check the rest of the site.
Social media is a major part of e-commerce businesses these days, and consumers often expect to see them online. Scammers know this and often use templates that contain these elements. But links often don't even work. Scammers are often too lazy to actually implement a dedicated Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram for their fake site (or don't want bad ads to spread!).

If you have valid social media accounts, quickly check to see if the accounts have any posts. Often times, if a site is a scam, angry users will let you know!