ways to write story for earning money


Patreon: You may monetize your writing by providing unique material and prizes to your readers through sites like Patreon. Fans may support you on Patreon by giving a monthly sum in return for access to your tales, behind-the-scenes content, and other advantages.

Ad income: You may earn money from ad revenue if you have a successful blog or website where you post your articles. You may earn money by displaying advertising on your website and earning money each time a reader clicks on an ad.

Remember that creating tales is a profitable sector, and success may require time and work. Yet, if you enjoy writing and are ready to put in the effort, there are several ways to earn money online.
So far I have not tried Patreon. It is a subscription based site I think. However, as you say noone will come come forward to subscribe to read your story. People are very lethargic and they are insensitive to the issues.

They don't bother who has written what, when, and why. It is just like pay per view article writing sites only. You waste your time and energy and write articles but no takers for it, and no readers for it. In fact it is a waste of time and energy. Instead it is better to concentrate on forums to eai.