Ways to Maximise Earnings on Survey Junkie


Valued Contributor
Ways to Maximise Earnings on Survey Junkie.

Take Advantage of Onboarding Points
Earn points by signing up, confirming your email, and completing profiles.

Update Profiles Regularly
Keep general and category-specific profiles up to date for better survey matches.

Maximise Earnings with Monthly Rewards Boosts
Participate in bonus point opportunities by completing surveys within specific time frames.

Answer Surveys Honestly
Take your time and provide accurate responses to minimise disqualification.

Keep Track of Survey Details
Note survey IDs and provider information for compensation in case of errors.

Share Digital Activity with Survey Junkie Pulse
Opt-in to share online activity for additional points and exclusive surveys.

Follow Survey Junkie on Facebook
Stay informed about giveaways and opportunities to earn extra points.

Get Acquainted with Verification Options
Understand the verification process for redemption security.