Ways to Combine Blogging/Email Marketing for Best-Selling Results


Blogging is a great way to get your name out there and attract customers, but it can sometimes feel like all you do is write. That's why I put together this list of 8 smart ways to combine blogging with email marketing for best-selling results.

1. Write about topics that interest potential clients.

2. Include a call to action at the end of each post (and in the footer).

3. Add a link back to your website in one or more posts on your blog.

4. Make sure that all your emails include a call to action as well, so that people will be more likely to click on them, too!

5. Create an email newsletter that goes out every week or month. just make sure it's not too long or frequent!

6. Use social media to share content from your blog posts on social media so that those who follow you can see what kinds of things you have written about and give them ideas for what they might want their readership to hear about next time around!

7. Offer contests with prizes for those who sign up for email lists first. it's a great way to start building relationships with new readers who might buy more from you down the line if they hear about it first (and vice versa).

8. Write original content that is different than what's out there already (even if it's not perfect).