Various ways to draw customers attention.


VIP Contributor
Businesses absolutely need the existence of customers and clients in order to succeed in the business and in fact the problem of making your business recognised and noticed by members of the public is absolutely one of the main problems newly established businesses and even old established businesses are currently facing. It is very possible for you to draw the attention of customers and clients but in order to do so you must do it the right and acceptable way. First of all your business must be suitable and effective in satisfying the needs and wants of members of the public thereby selling and rendering good quality and effective goods and services capable of satisfying the needs and wants of your customers and clients. One of the best way to increase customers and client attraction to your business is by offering new customers discounts to any goods and services bought by them. Giving discounts to your customers and clients totally helps you win their interest and loyalty. Secondly you can try issued without credit sales to customers and clients who possibly may not have the ability of paying for the goods and services they bought from you.

Also you can win their interest and draw their attention by updating your website or re-establishing a business brand. When a business website is too old it totally exempt the interest of potential customers you can get the attention online. And to the best action to do is to update your website.


VIP Contributor
Trying out various method of business advertisement could be a way to draw the attention of members of the public to patronize your business products and the business goods or services. Initially individuals were only conversant with the use of home appliances for the purpose of advertising business products that is via their television sets and the radio device.

But as time went on individuals became more conversant with the use of the internet as a means of advertisement of business products and business goods and services and in fact that has been one of the most major and successful way of getting business products and services across every individual in the globe and that is because the Internet is surfed by more than 19 million individuals in a particular week and according to research and studies most of the website visited by these individuals are commercially based website meant for the advertisement of goods and services.


VIP Contributor
To draw attention of customer you need to be solving there problems, if you build a business that no one wants or needs, how would you expect to make money or customers to recognize you, customer validation is very much needed to build a profitable business, attention is very scarce now, you have to be irresistible for people to notice you.

Another way to get in front of your customers is to cold call them or send them a cold email, it is called cold calling because you're contacting them for the first time, if your service or product resonate with them they won't hesitate to give you a trial.

Advertisement is also a way you can get to your target audience, you can reach millions of people these days by just running ads, cost of running ads is very cheap depending on the kind of ad and platform you'll be using.


New member
Customers want value for money. So If customers are satisfied with your product and services, you'll win their attention. First of all, customer care is very important in drawing the attention of customers. Branding or packaging is also another thing that attract customers attention. Good marketing is another key element that draws the attention of customers. Promotion too can be a factor of attracting customers in the sense that, if from time to time you put promotion on some of your product, that can draw the attention of customers .


Valued Contributor
Drawing the attention of customer to a product or service is an area which needs to be taken with seriousness to keep the business going.

Giving people free gift that will link to buying your products is one way to draw attention of customers
For example, for someone selling health products, you can host a free class or seminar on health and then sell your products at the end


A business is not established for the purpose of failure or for the purpose of not making profits but rather a business is established for the purpose of prosperity and for the purpose of making profit. But as a business owner of business manager of a particular business it is necessary that you understand that your customers and clients plays a very important role if you have the intention of growing your business to prosperity and to successfulness. With that being said you should always play your part in drawing the attention of your customers and clients. To be able to do that you need to understand the concept of consumers behaviour.

Knowing what your customer and client want can totally go along way in helping you win their interest and loyalty. Customers and clients are drawn to the patronizing of goods and services that totally meet there taste and preference. So if we are to establish a business we must initially try to ascertain the type of audience as to what they like to patronize and what services they like to be rendered to.


VIP Contributor
Majority of business owners and business managers usually find it hard to win the interests of their customers and clients and most of the times when a particular customer or client patronizing them today, there is every possibility that such client or customer may not even patronize them for a very long time. For you to win the interest and loyalty of your customer and client you must first of all and able to do things to win their interest. It is promptly said that if you want something then it is best to work toward it, and so sitting idle and expecting to win the interest of your customers and clients will never succeed because for you to actively do so you need to make sure to sell and to render good quality goods and services, that is the ones capable and suitable to draw their interest.

The logic here is pretty much simple, a client or customer can never patronize a business organisation that sells or render fake goods and services, but instead a client or customer can patronize a business that sells and render quality goods and services.

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