Unnecessary use of business assets.


VIP Contributor
We all are familiar with the truths that business resources are very limited and because of this we always channel the use of our business resources and assets to only areas that will bring rewarding benefits and rewarding importance to the business existence and business foundations . We do not want to waste our business resources doing things that will not bring any good to the business but rather destruction and most importantly waste of time . Majority of business owners are able to choose the right motive and their rights direction for their business assets to be plunged into and because of this end up going bankrupt as a result of wasted failed business resources . As a business owner the best way to advise this is by critically analysing your business motives and business goals in order to be sure whether this business motives and goals could anyway be achieved or could anyway be adjusted in order to be achieved .

Tons of businesses every year end up going bankrupt and even liquidate and according to research and feasibility study one of the key reasons is wrong funds facilitation and allocation . It is 100% advice and necessary that we channel our business resources to the right area and for the right purpose . Business purpose could not be achieved in the right way if we do not have the right motive and the right plan at hand that is why it is hundred percent advise as well that we plan ahead in our business , because the fact that you have established a business is not the end point but rather the starting point to achieve greater things .


VIP Contributor
I 100% totally agree with you on the part where you made mention that business assets are absolutely limited and it takes a while and creative business owner to know how to use his business assets wisely since business assets are absolutely limited , and by the way limitation of business asset what we mean is that a business will always have to choose which area of specification it will specialised into so as not to waste his business assets on specifications or other areas that are not going to be productive to the business organisation . To be more illustrative about this we can take for example a business that sells smartphones and also repair smartphones for such business to succeed the business owners all the managers must first of all you know what both sector of the business is going to prosper whether it is to concentrate on the areas of selling the phones and ignore the area of phones repair or possibly build the areas of phones repair and ignore the area of selling phones .

After proper analysation the business owners are the managers of the business may end up choosing one of these and it is possibly up to them on what follows .