Two Skills That'll Help You In Landing A Remote Job


VIP Contributor
Remote work has come to stay many companies are switching to the hybrid system, the Corona Virus pandemic helped in shaping the way people approach work, even the big techs are giving their employees the option to work remotely and I think it can only get better from here, so you should consider landing a remote job and here are some skills that can make that possible.

There are several websites that offers these kind of opportunities example is even though it's a subscription based job board but It is very much worth it if you're looking at landing a remote Job ASAP.

Animation and visual effects, this is an in demand skill that has numerous job opening across the job board the only downside of this skill is, you need a high end PC to be able to do some groundbreaking work and most people don't have that privilege.

Platform developer, a platform developer is a developer that focuses on a platform on a web some platforms are shopify, wordpress, Magento, Salesforce etc, this developers are hired by companies using these tool so that they'll manage it, WordPress for example covers a substantial amount of websites on the web.

These high income skills are not hard to learn if dedication is there.
Animation is my subject of interest, however, I have not been able to build my Animation skills because I do not have time to learn this skills as I am busy doing a lot of things such as blogging, vlogging, marketing, selling products, etc. If you can do Animation, you can earn $100 per hour in average. I have seen some people charge as much as $300 per hour for animation