Specific Tips That Will Help You Make Sure Your Paraphrasing Skills are as Good as They can be


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Paraphrasing is a skill that can be acquired through practice. While it is important to actually read the source material first, there are some tips you can use to make the process easier.

First, you can use synonyms. For example, if you're paraphrasing a sentence that uses the words "funny" and "movie," you could replace those words with "hilarious" and "film." This helps prevent accidental plagiarism and makes your writing more interesting by using new words.

Get rid of any jargon (technical language) that might make your reader feel stupid or confused and focus on one main idea per sentence.

Next, you can change the order of phrases or sentences within the original work. You do not have to follow the same structure as the original writer did—you can get creative with it! But remember: it's still your job to communicate their exact meaning in a way that makes sense when read aloud or on paper.

Know how to use "active and passive voice" In an active voice The subject does the action indicated by the verb. In a passive voice the object will come before the subject. For instance;
Active voice: I will sweep the floor everyday.
Passive: The floor will be swept by me everyday.
You should also be conversant with "reported speech"

Finally, it may help if you try reading aloud while taking notes on what you have heard or read so far before rewriting any part of it! That way, if there's an error or something doesn't sound right when written down later then at least we know where exactly in our paraphrasing process things went wrong and how we can fix them for next time.