Turmeric Milk


VIP Contributor
You know turmeric has a lot of health benefits, right? You also know milk has a lot of health benefits, right? But do you know how good turmeric milk is?

Turmeric is a natural antibiotic. Milk is rich in calcium and protein. However, when you mix turmeric with milk, you will get added benefits.

Turmeric milk means you either mix ½ teaspoon turmeric in the milk or boil ½ teaspoon turmeric powder in the milk for a minute and sip the hot drink

Turmeric milk is good if you have a cough or cold.

Turmeric milk is good if you are experiencing physical pain.

Turmeric milk is good if you are experiencing breathing problems

Turmeric milk is good if you have infections in the lungs

Turmeric milk is good if you have asthma.

Make sure to drink turmeric milk for at least 4 weeks to see the result.
Turmeric milk is now popular as Golden milk for all the health benefits that it brings. This milk was a part of our tradition for ages but then it lost its significance due to global influences and other things coming to our table. I remember having it every night in my growing-up years. Glad that the goodness of yesteryears are back and the wisdom of the past is picking up gain especially since the pandemic hit us back.
There are many believers of turmeric here. In fact, a former colleague in the office gave me a big bottle of turmeric powder. You can expect that from a senior who would believe in almost any herbal treatment that they hear. It is just sad to realize that all those herbal treatments have no conclusive studies for the proof.
Turmeric is a natural antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and with anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. From a very ancient time, it has been harvested for its medicinal properties. Now many well-established Ayurvedic medicine brands that substantiate their medicines with enough scientific evidence and data use this medicinal plant. Turmeric as a medicine has been used in many households here for ages. I remember my grandmother putting turmeric to any wound or hurt we got. Even it was applied for any insect and bee sting. When my daughter had a fracture in 2017 and had surgery, doctors advised her to have turmeric milk regularly for a fast recovery of bone and to avoid any infection in the post-surgery stage. There are enough data and evidence to prove that turmeric has medicinal benefits including it's anti-carcinogenic effects.
Turmeric is one of the spices used in cooking various dishes in homes and hotels across India. In fact, our cooking won't be complete without adding turmeric, so to say. That apart,it is a home remedy for us here in India. It is our grandma's recipe too, which we cherish.
Wow the funny thing is that we have it here in our location but a lot of people do not really use it for consumption , Most people are even using it for their harbal medical treatment. Wow that is nice I didn't really understand it contains so much nutritional value that will be needed in the body .thanks for sharing.
Tumeric has a lot of benefits that is why I do have it and mostly use it anytime am stressed out because it helps to relieve pain in the body and I also like using it because it is good to cure infection though I do eat the tumeric alone and not with the milk
I have heard of people touting turmeric milk, however, I have not tried this myself. I don't like the taste of turmeric, I also do not like milk. Having said that, I do understand how healthy turmeric is and how important milk is to human body for daily dose of calcium.
Turmeric can be really great for your health. However, you must purchase and consume raw turmeric only. Turmeric powder that are manufactured by companies contain harmful substances such as lead and other kinds of metals that are quite bad for your well-being. Unfortunately, raw Turmeric is only available in winter in my country.