Trust Olive Oil To Benefit Your Hair In Ways You Didn’t Know


Your hair might not be the first thing you think of when it comes to benefits, but trust me it's an important part of your health.

Olive oil is packed with nutrients that can help keep your hair strong and healthy. It's filled with antioxidants, which can help prevent damage caused by free radicals in your body. Free radicals are molecules that can cause inflammation in your body and cause cells to malfunction. Antioxidants fight back against these free radicals and keep them from damaging your skin, muscles, bones and organs.

The high levels of omega-6 fatty acids in olive oil also help promote healthy skin for your head and body. Omega-6s are essential fatty acids found in foods like salmon, eggs and soymilk. They are important for maintaining the health of your skin because they help maintain moisture levels in your cells by helping them regulate their moisture levels when exposed to air or water vapors. The antioxidants found in olive oil also protect against sunburns which can cause dryness and irritation to the skin around your scalp area and keep it looking fresh all day long!