Trading of fruits


VIP Contributor
I have discovered that fruits in the port are so cheap that is why traders are going there in the early morning. They buy fruits by the crate and deliver it directly to their customers. My idea of fruit trading is to first get customers who will order the fruits by the crate. A crate is about 20 kilos of the fruits. When you get the order today then you can go to the pier after midnight to be first in buying the ordered fruits. The only capital you need is a delivery vehicle that you can rent for the trip. The profit is more than 50% of your capital so it will be worth the effort to do the business before the sun rises.


Verified member
Fruit business is very profitable business because there is a steady market for fruits.

I think it will be more profitable ,if one cultivated the fruits by himself ,and supply it fresh and healthy to customers . This will be profitable because people prefers their fruits to be fresh .

If you can add vegetable business to it ,then you will always have market either from fruits or from vegetables .

However , you need to know that fruits are perishable ,and thus when you don't have enough customers ready to buy the fruits from you , after you bought it from a wholesaler , then you are likely to incur a loss


Active member
I've also heard that the fruit business is very profitable but I wish it was as easy as you wrote to apply in my country, lots of people would have ventured into it because of its low capital.
If not for school, I would have have thought of it as a choice to be an entrepreneur but the stress and strain attached to the business is nothing to be compared to.
I also agree with Jose because vegetarians believes they need both fruits and vegetables to be healthy and would so appreciate whoever sells both. I'd still say that the risk involved is too much.