Trade dispute and settlement


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If you have a trade dispute with another business, there are several steps you can take to resolve the matter.

You should first contact the other party and try to work out a solution yourself. If that fails, you may want to seek legal advice. The most common way of resolving a trade dispute is through mediation. Mediation is a process where both parties meet with an independent person who tries to help them reach agreement or come to an impasse. There are many different types of mediators that can be used, including a professional mediator and an amateur mediator.

If neither party is willing to accept mediation as an option, they may be able to agree on arbitration as a way of resolving their dispute. Arbitration is similar to mediation in that both parties meet with an independent person who tries to help them reach agreement or come to an impasse. However, unlike mediation, arbitration uses judges instead of mediators and usually lasts longer than mediation does (depending on the type of case being heard).