Three Reasons Why Saving Accounts Are Scam


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Do you know why they tell you to save money in banks? They tell you to save money in banks because they want you to become too dependent on the banks for your everyday needs.

Actually, saving accounts are scams. Saving accounts have been so normalized that you don’t even realize that it is a scam anymore.

A lot of people hoard money in saving accounts because they believe it is the safest option. However, the result is just the opposite. When you save money in saving accounts, it will lose value due to inflation.

If you have saved money in banks you have realized that you are not allowed to withdraw a large amount at once. That’s because they don’t want you to invest money. Contrarily, they are investing your money and making a lot of profits.

You have saved your money in the banks, yet the banks charge you fees for various services. They are taking your money and they are charging you fees.